Trail Riding Etiquette
Contributed by Kathy Thistlethwaite
Sharing trails with pedestrians, cyclists, landscape crews, city workers, etc...
Right-of-way: While the rider has the right-of-way, this courtesy isn't always known, or respected.
Start a conversation. Many horses are more relaxed once they identify the "foreign object" as a person.
Be respectful of people who are afraid of horses - give them a wide berth to go around, keeping your horse under control ("he won't bite" will never be believed).
Be an ambassador to the sport of trail riding - be open to Q & A from other trail users.
Those conversations can be great de-sensitizing moments for a bike-wary horse.
A friendly conversation can come back later as a future trail rider supporter.
Stop and let the kid pet your horse when it's safe to do so.
Cell phone use
Hang up and ride! Enjoy the trail and your present company.
If you have to make/take a call, pull off to the side of the trail and stop while you attend to business.
Condition your horse to the ringtone of your phone.
Have emergency numbers easily available.
Cell phones should be carried on your person. A loose horse with the cell phone in the saddlebag isn’t helpful in an emergency.
Riding in groups
Goal - EVERYONE in the group comes back safe and happy.
Ride to the level of the weakest rider/greenest horse (hopefully they're not together).
Don't leave a rider behind.
Horses are herd animals, cater to that "safety in numbers" philosophy.
Horses may panic if they think they are being abandoned by the herd.
Facing the last horse can often calm it down while it catches up to a group (a good strategy when waiting for obstacles to be completed in a trail trial).
Respect warning signs - any horse, suitably annoyed, can kick or bite.
Ride with distance between you (don't tailgate!).
Red ribbon in the tail - give extra distance - may be a kicker with excellent aim.